I'm Sorry Facebook.

Dear Anonymous Readers,

Today I’m sharing another important idea which came into my mind on 1st Jan 2012.

I’ve decided to reduce the use of FaceBook, which means that I will now be having more time to put attention into my blog. I was just thinking: What exactly I’m doing on FB? I’m not at all a popular/favorite person…. So the only option for me is to write something on my wall, and wait for somebody to comment on it. Like always: when nobody comments…. Then I start checking on my friend’s walls.

But I can do this on my blog too…. I write & share something here, and will start my endless wait for anonymous readers to comment something. As usual when nobody comments on my blogs…. I can surf other blogs & subscribe to them. This way I can get news of new posts on other blogs too.

I feel it’s best to stay in my own small world and keep twinkling like a little star in the darkness of night. I’m not sad to be alone…. I had been alone since my childhood, many people came… turned into friends… and separated. Staying alone is like a normal part of my life.  So I sat and thought about it…… if I have to stay alone everywhere, then why stay alone in crowds of strangers????

I don’t want to force myself & my friendship on anybody…. And in an effort to try to stick to my limits, here I’m returning back to my Blogs. If anybody like to talk/listen/write to me then u’re welcome to share ur thoughts/beliefs here, or just let me know url of ur blog so that I can join u there. We can communicate in any medium u like.


Stay Blessed, healthy & Safe,



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