The simple Universe of SEO...

For a beginner: SEO is Search Engine Optimization which is very easy to learn and can help them get quick job and money (obviously).

For a Advanced: SEO is a chain of "Website analysis + Keywords + Optimizing (for search engines)+ Link building + Email marketing + Blogging + Articles ... and preparing lots of reports".

For an Expert: SEO is a full time job full of ethical & unethical practices. In a full time job there are procedures, rules, tasks, tips & tricks, shortcuts, and many more.

But the saddest part is that whenever you would try to contact an expert (to learn) then you will never be able to get shortcut answer out of them because they will start from basics and with lots and lots of various other things which you will be seeing as unnecessary for the answer you r looking for.

I've seen that all presentations are useless/unimpressive unless some nice data is included in any presentation. So let's talk about some data.....
According to Internet world stats website Asian users consist of 48.7% of total online population (as on 31st Dec 2017) i.e. 2023 millions approx. Now let's see the Indian presence....
There were 462,124,989 Internet users in Dec/2017, which makes up 34.1% penetration, per IAMAI. Out of these online users 251,000,000 were Facebook subscribers in Dec/2017, 18.5% penetration rate.

So obviously it sounds extremely attractive to join the brigade of SEO executives.


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