Acidity: 5 best / worst food

5 best foods for acidity

Apples and bananas

Amongst fruits, apples and bananas are safe to be consumed and generally do not cause acidity. If you’re in the mood for juice, apple juice is a good option.

Vegetables like cabbage, beans and peas

These vegetables are healthy and do not cause acidity. If you enjoy potato, try baked potato and avoid deep-fried preparations.

Egg white, chicken and fish

Lean white meats and egg white are perfect for acidity-prone individuals.

Low fat cheese

Heavy foods are a no-no for those prone to acidity. So try and go for low-fat dairy items like low-fat cheese or milk.

Whole grains

Avoid refined carbs like white rice and maida and instead opt for whole grains like wheat and brown rice to ward off acidity.

5 worst foods for acidity

Spicy food

This is a no-brainer. Anyone prone to acidity knows what a spicy sabzi or a stray chilli can do to you. In general, it’s best to avoid overly spicy food and go in for something a little milder.

Citrus foods

Bad news for orange lovers! Citrus foods are one of the worst triggers of acidity and if you think you might be prone to it, stay away from citrus fruits, as well as juices.


For those with a chronic acidity problem, it’s best to cut out coffee from your diet. Instead try green tea

Fried foods and fatty foods

Biscuits high in fat, or fried snacks have to be banished from the diets of all those prone to acidity. These are instant triggers and can cause days of discomfort.

Alcohol, especially wine

Although wine recommended as one of the healthier alcohols, it’s a no-no for the acidity prone. The tannins in the wine can cause acidity and is best avoided.

Source: Yahoo Lifestyle (5-best-worst-foods-acidity-080814120.html)


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