When distance between friends increased

18th May 2011 was the last working day for my colleague & best friend in my office. This was the day when I lost my real friend in the office. Talking about the depth of the friendship:
It was just less than 2 yr friendship; We talked a lot, shared things happening In life, laughed together, shared sad times, gave suggestions, took advice, fought, retrieved the friendship, got disappointed at times, inspired each other, enjoyed, got bored… altogether… it was a beautiful time spent together

There are few similarities in us: We're both guys, same thinking, we both leave from home around 7 – 7:15am in the morning so that we can fight with the traffic and reach office (Faridabad) at 8:30am, we both knew the pain of long distance travel every day, work in same office, same building, same floor, same department, same boss, nearby seats, together in T-times, many a times' breakfast was done together, and many more.

There were few differences too: He stays in Gurgaon (Haryana) and I stay in Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh), he is Jain and I'm a Sikh, he is below 30yrs and I'm above 30yrs, he is a bachelor and I'm married, working on different projects, he drinks tea and I drink coffee, and few more.

He didn't left due to any misunderstanding or fight, he left for better prospective in life. Maybe life had much better plans for him, and I was not the part of his new life. I'm okie with it, many times… just like this time… I had been thrown out of my friend's life. Now I'm used to this kind of treatment from life. I'd luv to know what new hobbies he had included in his new schedule now.

I'm happy to see that maybe he don't needs me, my listening ear, my shoulder, my suggestions, my boring jokes, and my scolding anymore in life. Hope that soon he will be given so much responsibilities that his work will consume most of his time, and he will not remember that he's away from his friends. I wish him all the best for his future, and will pray to lord that he should get all good friends there also, so that his new office should be as beautiful place as he wanted it to be.

After knowing him from close, I'm sure that god is always testing & searching for similar kind of beautiful hearted gal for him. I wish that he should get the best, beautiful, understanding, co-operative, kind, affectionate, confident, and the most worthy life partner soon.

Best of luck for ur future Piyush J


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